Gabions offer excellent protection as soil stabilizers around bridges, bridge piers and abutment slopes. Generally, the degree of the slope to be protected shall determine what structure type is best suited for a specific application. Slopes with an angle of 1:1 or steeper usually require standard gabion retaining wall protection. Slopes with an angle of 1:1.5 or less may use a combination of gabion baskets and/or mattresses for slope protection.
Reliable Gabion Bridge Abutments for Construction Sites
For more than 100 years, wire mesh gabions have been used for land management purposes. They prevent soil erosion into channels, streams, rivers and other waterways. These products help with sediment control in all types of environments, and they do so without harming wildlife or the environment.
How Gabions and Reno Mattresses Prevent Soil Erosion
Gabions are flexible double-layer wire mesh systems. They stop the movement of soil from erosion caused by heavy rains, snow or ice melt and man-made conditions. The gabions are anchored at the top and bottom of a steep slope.
The flexibility of the material of a gabion or Reno mattress allows it to move when rocks and soil become saturated from groundwater, rainwater or ice or snow. Because the flexible mesh is filled with hard crushed stone, it keeps soil particles out of areas where you don't want them to be. The high tensile strength, pull-apart resistance and corrosion resistance mean they keep working in all weather and environmental conditions. Water can drain through, but the soil particles won't move through the Reno mattress or gabion.
Benefits of Gabions in a Bridge Protection System
Bridges are often built on steep embankments, so the pilings require plenty of soil for stabilization. Bridge abutment slopes are an integral part of the bridge's infrastructure. The gabions function as silt fences against erosion around the bridge pilings. They adapt to changes in the soil structure, move with frost and freeze cycles and prevent damage caused by static fluid.
What Is a Bridge Scour?
Bridge scour is the erosion of soil around bridge foundations or piers, which can suddenly cause a bridge to collapse due to the loss of adequate soil support. It's one of the country's most significant causes of bridge failure; in fact, about 600 bridges failed due to bridge scour, leading to costly repairs and replacements.
Scour occurs when water around the structure removes soil or sediment around the foundation, leaving scour holes that can threaten the structure's safety and integrity. It's essential for bridge engineers and architects to understand what causes a bridge to fail and address the problem to prevent injuries, property damage, and loss of life.
Why Is Bridge Scour Protection Important?
Scour can cause significant disruption, possible loss of life, and serious financial losses. Protecting bridges is vital to prevent failure, serious damage to infrastructure, and repairs that will cost a fortune. Floods can also worsen erosion problems; without protection, scour can lead to bridges suddenly collapsing. Knowing how to manage bridge scour is crucial to public safety and ensuring the structure stays intact. Gabions are effective at preventing erosion around bridge foundations. Contact us to learn more about our products.
What Causes Bridge Scour?
Scour is one of the biggest threats to bridges, and it's often caused by floods. Also, when bridge foundations are installed, the abutments will cause the water to move faster, altering its flow. The change can eventually lead to erosion and bridge failure. Another cause of a bridge scour is debris accumulating around the foundations and man-made changes to the surrounding structures.
Engineers can use gabion protection systems to help prevent bridge scour. Other methods include underpinning, extending the foundation downward, and supporting the bridge with a scour-resistant material. Contact Gabion Supply if you need help protecting bridge structures or to request custom gabions.
Give us a call today at 866-391-6295 to discuss your bridge construction project and how our gabions can help keep it strong and stable.