GabionSupply Quote Tool
We have developed the automated quote tool to provide quotes 24 hours a day on our standard gabions. Below you can get an instant quote on all of our standard gabions. This includes the below styles. Additional wire gauges, finishes, or mesh sizes will still need to be requested through our Request a Quote Page or emailing us directly. If you need additional information on figuring out how to use the Quote Tool or need additional information on determining gabion sizes or type needed for your project check out our YouTube video below.
*Please note we are currently experiencing some issues with the quote tool generating accurate freight rates for DuraWeld Gabions over 6' in length. If your quote includes a DuraWeld (welded wire gabion) over 6' in length please reach out so we can confirm the freight rate and you are not surprised with a higher rate at time of order placement.
Standard Gabion Styles:
DuraFlex Twisted Mesh Gabions (3.25"x4.5" Hex Mesh):
11ga Galv, 12ga Galv with PVC
DuraFlex Twisted Mesh Reno Mattress (2.5"x3.25" Hex Mesh):
13ga Galv, 13ga Galv with PVC
DuraWeld Welded Wire Mesh Gabions (3"x3" Square Mesh):
11ga Galv, 12ga Galv with PVC, 9ga Galv, 9ga Raw Steel
Please note that DuraWeld PVC gabions are not available in greater than 3' width or height. Freight may also be higher than quoted for other DuraWeld gabions greater than 3' width and height as we have more limited production options.
DuraGuard Polypropylene Gabions
Notes on the Quote Tool:
Volume discount is applied after clicking Request Quote.
DuraWeld dimensions are available in 3" increments and should be entered in feet. So 30 inches would be 2.5' and 39 inches would be 3.25' etc. DuraWeld PVC coated gabions are only available up to a 3' width. Please note you do not need to type ' or ft for the dimension box on DuraWeld Gabions. Simply type 3 or 2.5 etc.
We are still fine tuning the quote tool so please let us know if anything doesn't look right. Also, due to the fluctuations in the freight market, freight rates will need to be confirmed at time of order placement.
Please use the Email Quote button after your quote is generated so that there is a record of your quote if you decide to place the order in the future. If you would like to submit your order, please Click Here for Order Form PDF and email it to us at [email protected]. If you do not want to email your credit card information you can give us a call at 1-866-391-6295 and we would be happy to take your payment details over the phone.
Thank you!