Geo Products
Geo Products Offer Slope and Water Erosion Control, Stability, and Protection
Geo products are essential tools to stabilize slopes, reinforce channels and embankments, support retaining walls and provide erosion protection solutions. Homeowners use geo products to protect and reinforce sloping landscapes, garden walls and outdoor living spaces. Construction site projects often apply geo products in slope stabilization and soil erosion control applications while construction work proceeds.
Geo products offer excellent landscaping solutions. A wide variety of geo products are available, ranging from relatively small geogrid and fine-mesh geonet installations to control soil and water erosion problems up to complex combinations of erosion control geotextiles and geogrids to manage significant slope stabilization, retaining walls and structural reinforcement issues.
Here at Gabion Supply, we focus on finding the right geo product and solution for your application. Let's start by answering a few basic questions about geo products on slopes and in some common water and erosion control applications.
What Are Geo Products?
Geo products are made from geosynthetic materials used in a full range of applications, from steep slope stabilization to free-standing wall systems. Some typical geo products are geotextiles (also called geofabrics), geofoams, geogrids (also called geocells), and thin, low-permeability geomembranes.
Geotextiles come with woven and nonwoven synthetic fiber designs to filter water flow while retaining soil materials. Geocells are a 3-D cellular construction mesh filled with soil or gravel and designed to create an artificial layer beneath the surface.
A geogrid supports the base and establishes a secure anchor for slope cover materials. High-performance geogrids use an interconnected parallel set of tensile ribs with different-sized apertures to permit mixing for the overburden. This ensures a firm and stable surface over a softer substrate as the overlying materials lock into place and strengthen and compact the surface. Geogrids redistribute the load over a wider area and offer a permanent erosion control mechanism.
Geonets are finer mesh geogrids often used in small-area applications with local drainage issues. Geomembranes control and prevent fluid movements with low- or non-permeable geosynthetic liner materials. Some kinds of earth anchors, sandbags and bulk bags are also considered geo products for use in soil and water erosion control projects.
What Materials Are Used to Make Quality Geo Products?
Geosynthetic materials, such as polymers and waterproofing and elastic resins, are used to manufacture many geo products. Polyethylene, polypropylene and thermoplastic polyesters are commonly used due to their outstanding durability, rigidity and strength characteristics. These incredibly strong plastics function well in cold weather, are UV and chemical resistant, and are extremely durable and long-lasting. Paving geotextiles are often infused with asphaltic tack for additional waterproofing capability. Some geofoams are made of expanded polystyrene manufactured into large lightweight blocks that are particularly useful for soil replacement applications and in levee and embankment support projects.
What Are Some Typical Applications of Geo Products?
Geo product applications can be divided into several broad categories ranging from permanent erosion control solutions to steep slope reinforcement and stabilization installations. Erosion control blankets prevent soil and water erosion on recently disturbed slopes, and geogrids offer a stable, permanent erosion control base.
Geogrid products, retaining walls and erosion protection systems work together to reduce the likelihood of slope failure and to control drainage and water movement. Structural reinforcement geo products include solutions for garden wall features and grade separation problems. Any slope requiring a stable base will benefit from deploying the right geo product solution. Support for pavement projects, retaining walls, sports fields, green roofs and walls, levees and foundation construction are just a few of the many applications of high-quality, flexible geo products.
Gabion Supply is your go-to resource for geo product solutions tailored to resolve virtually any slope erosion, construction site or home outdoor living space stabilization and erosion control problem. We supply all kinds of geo products and work with you to find quality products and solutions to meet your needs.